Elimin-ATE: Elimination diet coaching and Thermomix enthusiast

Here to help you learn how no additive, low chemical diets can help you determine intolerances and even improve concentration and behaviour at school or work. In addition, I'm a Thermomix Consultant and can help you combine these two in a perfect harmony!

There is a maze of chemicals in our foods around us - natural and added. Most of us probably have some level of intolerance to these chemicals, but, other individuals have major intolerances which impact on their day to day life. How many know that the food they eat is the cause? Probably a very small portion of the population.

We learn from a young age that fruit and vegetables are healthy and good for us, to eat lots. This is true at a basic level, but with various 'modern' pressures on our bodies, often we cannot digest these foods as well as normal and symptoms from IBS through to migraines, 'foggy brain' and 'actual' medical conditions such as reflux may result.

Doing a structured and ordered elimination diet may be hard work, but when you can then determine the cause of your ill health, lack of concentration or behavioural issues (with kids especially!), a new path will become visible of avoiding the big triggers and making different choices... of healing the digestive system and moving back into 'normal' eating.

Funny thing is, once you see what the additives do to you on an elimination diet, its so much easier to never want to touch them again. No matter how big the previous addiction or reliance on them was.
